Quantitative assessment of the resilience of critical infrastructures.
Quantitative assessment of the resilience of critical infrastructures.
Resilience is a plant’s performance measurement and is represented both by the ability to survive a natural disaster and to promptly restore operating conditions, recovering the initial production capacity. Despite both in scientific literature and in the professional world the importance of the topic has been recognized, an official methodology capable of properly quantifying resilience is still needed.
SafePlant has developed a method to estimate manufacturing plants’ resilience (Kalemi 2019, Paolacci 2019) in the event of extreme natural events, such as earthquakes. It allows the direct valuation of losses following a natural disaster, the time course for the recovery of production capacity and the estimation of losses resulting from non-production and damage to equipment.
Development of a new Fiber-based monitoring system for industrial components
European Project Induse-2-Safety (2014-2017)
Component fragility evaluation and seismic safety assessment of “special risk petrochemical plants under design basis and beyond design basis accidents, Grant No: RFS-PR-13056) – Coordinated by Prof. Oreste S. Bursi of the University of Trento. INDUSE-2-SAFETY aims at developing a quantitative risk assessment methodology for seismic loss prevention of “special risk” petrochemical plants and components.
H2020-MSCA-ITN-(2016-2020) – XP-Resilience: Extreme Loading Analysis Of Petrochemical Plants And Design Of Metamaterial-Based Shields For Enhanced Resilience.
MSMART (2016-2018) – (Mitigazione del rischio sismico di impianti di processo con l’ausilio di sistemi Smart) – INAIL.
SPIF (2019-2020): Seismic performance of multi-component systems in special risk industrial facilities