To this end, an App has been developed in the Matlab© environment: starting from the coordinates of the site where the structure is located, the App allows to calculate the seismic hazard curve, using the well-known PSHA procedure.
It also allows to asset uniform hazard response spectra (UHS) and to perform the breakdown of the data for the assessment of Magnitude and Distance that mostly contribute to the seismic hazard of the site under consideration.
Development of a new Fiber-based monitoring system for industrial components
European Project Induse-2-Safety (2014-2017)
Component fragility evaluation and seismic safety assessment of “special risk petrochemical plants under design basis and beyond design basis accidents, Grant No: RFS-PR-13056) – Coordinated by Prof. Oreste S. Bursi of the University of Trento. INDUSE-2-SAFETY aims at developing a quantitative risk assessment methodology for seismic loss prevention of “special risk” petrochemical plants and components.
H2020-MSCA-ITN-(2016-2020) – XP-Resilience: Extreme Loading Analysis Of Petrochemical Plants And Design Of Metamaterial-Based Shields For Enhanced Resilience.
MSMART (2016-2018) – (Mitigazione del rischio sismico di impianti di processo con l’ausilio di sistemi Smart) – INAIL.
SPIF (2019-2020): Seismic performance of multi-component systems in special risk industrial facilities