Static and seismic design of a biocell structure
A biocell allows the bio-oxidation of the resulting organic material (aerobic biostabilisation). from differentiated collection for the production of compost.
A new methodology for risk assessment of oil&gas pipelines usbjected to natural hazard (earthquakes, landlised, flooding)
Piping systems for transportation of hydrocarbons like oil and gas are particularly vulnerable to natural hazards like earthquake, landslides and flooding.
Seismic damage scenario simulations in the centro olio val d’agri and evaluation of their impact though the priamus software
The seismic vulnerability of the Centro Olio val D’Agri has evidenced the need to evaluate the possible accident scenarios in detail, in terms of number of potentially damageable equipment that can occur simultaneously inside the plant during a specific seismic event.
Seismic vulnerability assessment of critical equipment of te upstream plant Centro Olio Val’agri and design of proper retrofitting systems | Separation columns
The seismic vulnerability analysis of existing equipment of the Upstream Plant (Centro Olio Val d’Agri, COVA) located in Viggiano (Basilicata Region, Italy) has been analyzed by mean of refined models. Moreover, proper mitigation strategies have been selected, designed and implemented.
Seismic vulnerability assessment of critical equipment of te upstream plant Centro Olio Val’agri and design of proper retrofitting systems | Above-ground oil storage tanks
The seismic vulnerability analysis of existing equipment of the Upstream Plant (Centro Olio Val d’Agri, COVA) located in Viggiano (Basilicata Region, Italy) has been analyzed by mean of refined models. Moreover, proper mitigation strategies have been selected, designed and implemented.
Seismic vulnerability assessment of critical equipment of te upstream plant Centro Olio Val’agri and design of proper retrofitting systems | Piperacks and piping systems
The seismic vulnerability analysis of existing equipment of the Upstream Plant (Centro Olio Val d’Agri, COVA) located in Viggiano (Basilicata Region, Italy) has been analyzed by mean of refined models. Moreover, proper mitigation strategies have been selected, designed and implemented.
Seismic vulnerability assessment of critical equipment of te upstream plant Centro Olio Val’agri and design of proper retrofitting systems | Thermo-destroyer
The seismic vulnerability analysis of existing equipment of the Upstream Plant (Centro Olio Val d’Agri, COVA) located in Viggiano (Basilicata Region, Italy) has been analyzed by mean of refined models. Moreover, proper mitigation strategies have been selected, designed and implemented.
Seismic vulnerability assessment of critical equipment of te upstream plant Centro Olio Val’agri and design of proper retrofitting systems | Slug chacters
The seismic vulnerability analysis of existing equipment of the Upstream Plant (Centro Olio Val d’Agri, COVA) located in Viggiano (Basilicata Region, Italy) has been analyzed by mean of refined models. Moreover, proper mitigation strategies have been selected, designed and implemented.
Seismic vulnerability assessment of critical equipment of te upstream plant Centro Olio Val’agri and design of proper retrofitting systems | Vertical Separators
The seismic vulnerability analysis of existing equipment of the Upstream Plant (Centro Olio Val d’Agri, COVA) located in Viggiano (Basilicata Region, Italy) has been analyzed by mean of refined models. Moreover, proper mitigation strategies have been selected, designed and implemented.
Seismic vulnerability assessment of critical equipment of te upstream plant Centro Olio Val’agri and design of proper retrofitting systems | Design of in-situ test campaign
The seismic vulnerability analysis of existing equipment of the Upstream Plant (Centro Olio Val d’Agri, COVA) located in Viggiano (Basilicata Region, Italy) has been analyzed by mean of refined models. Moreover, proper mitigation strategies have been selected, designed and implemented.